Contact us
Yorkshire Sport Foundation,
Nepshaw Lane South,
LS27 7JQ
what3words.com grass.human.motion
If you have a comment, query, request documents in alternative formats or raise a complaint (read our complaint procedures here), you can submit it with the form below and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you want to raise a confidential issue about safety in sport, you can use the contact on our Safeguarding page
Provision for Textphone, Minicom, text enabled phones and hearing loops for meetings are available on request
Alternatively you can reach us in the following ways:
Telephone: 0330 2020 280 for general enquiries or one of our mobile numbers
- General enquiries: info@yorkshiresport.org
- Events: (for example: PE conferences) events@yorkshiresport.org
- West Yorkshire School Games Cross Country Finals queries: crosscountry@yorkshiresport.org
Team contacts: www.yorkshiresport.org/team/
Linkedin: Yorkshire Sport
Tw/X: @YorkshireSport