Emma Gooch
Data and Insight Manager
Mobile number: 07940 551988
Email: emma.gooch@yorkshiresport.org
View LinkedIn ProfileAreas of Work
Leading the Data and Insight Team
Managing the Learning and Performance System for YSF
Evaluation contracts and tendering opportunities
Digital Strategy and Digital Audits
Open Data Champion working with the ODI
GIS Mapping and Data Analysis
Previous Experience
Emma has over eight years of experience working in an Active Partnership. Prior to joining Yorkshire Sport Foundation in September 2019 she was the Children and Young People Development Officer, managing the School Games and Satellite Clubs programmes and then the Research and Insight Development Officer leading on the Active Lives CYP survey at GreaterSport.
Prior to this she was a full time Trampoline Coach and has a range of experience working with children and young people in both school and community group settings.
Keeping Active
Emma was a trampolinist for eight years and Trampoline Coach for 12, successfully coaching an athlete to be selected for team GB. She then moved to mountain biking and cross fit before having her first child, where she now much prefers walking in the outdoors, much tamer mountain biking (with a child on the front) and trampoline fitness classes.