Place-based approach
Our ambition is to take a ‘place-based’ approach to all of our work.
This means we understand that the places where people live, work and play will shape individual and community relationships with physical activity and sport.
The opportunities for people to be active are different from place to place and are affected by the accessibility of local facilities, quality outdoor spaces, geography, and levels of wealth and health. Place based working responds to the unique make up of a place and the people who live there and engages with the opportunities that emerge from understanding the local context, connecting people and aligning purpose and resources.
With a population of over 3.6 million, there are places in different shapes and sizes across our area. This is why we structure our work on several levels.
Focus Communities
Some communities face much greater inequalities than others, so more time and resources are spent in these places. With partners, we identify these communities through data and local intelligence, ensuring the work is aligned with the priorities of local authorities and health bodies.
Our Communities page sets out how we support our partners to create the best opportunities through:
- attracting investment
- sharing the learning
- focussing programme funding, and
- providing officer time to help support local organisations and people.
District level
Across South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire there are nine metropolitan districts which have their own political, strategic and delivery structures. The major partners in these areas work together to plan and deliver sport and physical activity opportunities within what we call ‘Place Partnerships’:
West Yorkshire
Each has their strategic plan, their own identity and ways of working. Importantly it is at this level where influence on wider strategic health, economic, environment and other social plans takes place. This ensures sport and physical activity is playing its full part in supporting the lives of our population.
We are committed to working with and through our Place Partnerships in our work, and provide support to ensure they are connected, good communication is in place and actions are completed.
County level
We work with major organisations to maximise sport and physical activity’s contribution to the economy and the health of our area, including:
We also have a role in bringing people together across both sub-regions so that learning can be shared and, where there is added value in doing so, working together on specific issues.
Advocacy reports
We have commissioned reports to bring together the evidence and data we currently hold to build a narrative of the sector’s contribution to wider strategic plans.
Regional level

We work across Yorkshire and Humberside with our neighbouring active partnerships Active Humber and North Yorkshire Sport on projects such as the Sharing the Learning series and Yorkshire and Humber Anti Racism Group.
England level

Sport England invests most of its funding through three groups of System Partners
- Active partnerships such as ourselves form a network of local and independent non-profit organisations that cover every part of England. The Active Partnerships National Team is there to keep us connected.
- National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs)
- The third group are the National Partners that focus on at specific areas such as Activity Alliance, Women in Sport and Street Games
The organisation that leads on supporting the UKs competitive athletes is UK Sport.
Sport England invests Lottery funding in sport and physical activity to make it a normal part of life for everyone, regardless of who you are.
We work with partners to deliver Sport England‘s strategy Uniting the Movement (UtM). Launched in 2021, the strategy is a 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.
The four Uniting the Movement (UtM) outcomes are:
- Increasing activity
- Decreasing activity
- Narrowing inequalities
- Improving the experience of CYP

National level

DCMS is the UK Government’s Department for Culture Media and Sport.
The Sport England strategy will help deliver against the five health, social and economic outcomes set out in the Government’s Get Active strategy.
The physical benefits of sport and physical activity are well documented. Being active can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 30-40% and can reduce the risk of a range of medical conditions, including cancer, dementia, strokes, heart disease and depression, but only 56% of adults are physically active for the 150 minutes each week which are part of recommendations by the UK’s CMOs. The figures are lower still for children. Physical inactivity costs the UK an estimated £7.4bn each year.
Sport is, for many people, a hugely enjoyable experience. Physical activity can reduce stress and anxiety. Mastering new skills can increase confidence and self-esteem. Volunteering to help other people at local sporting events can be very satisfying and major sporting success leads to great national pride. Research has shown that exercise can be as effective as anti-depressants for those with mild clinical depression.
These positive mental wellbeing outcomes are every bit as important as the physical benefits from taking part in sport, and evidence is clear on the mental as well as physical health benefits of meeting the CMO guidelines. However, less is known about the precise links between mental wellbeing and sporting behaviours. Placing mental wellbeing at the heart of this new strategy will ensure that more evidence is collected and government and its agencies will work with the new What Works Centre for Wellbeing among other initiatives to fill these gaps.
We know through work already funded by government and a great many consultation responses how powerfully sport can affect an individual’s development more broadly. Evidence shows clearly how taking part in sport improves educational behaviour and attainment, through greater self-esteem and confidence and direct cognitive benefits. This can also have a positive impact on the employment opportunities available to individuals and sport can have a positive role in tackling the problems of those who are not in employment, education or training (NEETS).
Currently these individual development impacts are a nice additional benefit from engagement in sport that, while acknowledged, tend not to be the main reason for making the investment. For the future, we will make sure that public investment in sport recognises and encourages the broader benefits of sport to the individual, in particular the behaviours and skills linked to employment through improvements in perceived self-efficacy.
Various scales have been developed to measure self-efficacy and DCMS will work with other relevant government departments, ONS and academics in 2016 to identify the best way of evidencing the impact of this strategy in this area.
As well as developing individuals, sport can help build stronger communities by bringing people together, often from different backgrounds, to make them feel better about where they live, improve community links and cohesion and build social capital.
We know that people who volunteer in sport, for example, are more likely to feel they belong in their area and people who take part in sport are likely to enjoy stronger social links with other people. There are many aspects to measuring social capital, but the best starting point for the type of impact we want sport to focus on having is the level of social trust within communities.
In the past, the economic value of sport has been looked at completely separately to the other public benefits sport can deliver. A significant proportion of the £39bn sport contributes to the UK’s GDP comes from grassroots sport, the millions of people who buy trainers, bikes, gym memberships or pay match fees. The government’s investment of £10m in the Tour de France Grand Départ in 2014 helped unlock a £125m contribution to GDP. So the UK’s economic success is bound up with our sporting engagement, and vice versa. Sport also plays a huge role in supporting the GREAT Britain campaign to promote the UK abroad and the UK was ranked top in a recent analysis of global soft power.
The economic impact of sport, how it creates jobs, promotes growth and drives exports is a fundamental part of this new strategy. We will ask organisations to consider not just how they contribute to the nation’s health or wellbeing, but to the economy as well, both nationally and locally.

Gayle Elvidge
Director for South Yorkshire
07714 733648

James Brown
Director for West Yorkshire
07533 769787
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