Group of individuals standing, looking at a digital device.

Safeguarding and Welfare

It is an absolute right that children, young people and adults are safe whilst participating in sport in South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire. 

Sport Welfare OfficersSelf-Assessment and AuditsSafeguarding Partners and Other ContactsTraining

If you have an immediate concern about someone’s safety or wellbeing and need urgent advice, contact duty social care within your local authority, or the police.

Details can be found on our Safeguarding Partners and Other Contacts page

We are committed to promoting the safety and welfare of children, young people, and adults at risk engaged, in sporting activities. 

We aim to contribute to safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk by: 

  • Committing to the Child Protection in Sport Unit’s Safeguarding Framework. 

  • Implementing and demonstrating best safeguarding practice when core staff, volunteers or others are providing services, activities and programmes for children, young people and adults at risk 

  • Working with partners to establish and implement agreed, consistent minimum safeguarding standards for sports activities locally 

  • Supporting those working in sport by giving them knowledge, guidance and raising awareness of what they need to do to protect these vulnerable groups and minimise avoidable risks. 

  • Requiring those individuals or organisations that are funded or commissioned to provide any services for children and young people to effectively address safeguarding requirements 

  • Maximising its influence to promote safeguarding practice and principles within its wider partnership roles and relationships 

You can find all our safeguarding and other policies on our Governance page. 

Yorkshire Sport Foundation host an online forum a number of times per year for safeguarding partners, as well as strategic leads and partners within the sport and physical activity sector.

These events provide an opportunity to share updates from national partners, as well as sharing good practice and celebrating successes of those working to ensure sport and physical activity is safer for all involved. To get involved in the Safe in Sport Forums, contact Adam Fuller. 

If something is happening to you that’s making you feel unhappy, uncomfortable or unsafe then please speak to an adult you trust. If you don’t feel able to speak to a family member or carer, then your sports club welfare officer or a member of staff at your school can help you. There are also some useful helplines and websites below. 

Sport should be fun and enjoyable. If something is spoiling that, see this guidance from the Child Protection in Sport Unit

Childline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for support with any worries or concerns you may have. You can call them on 0800 11 11 or visit their website is an online counselling service if you are struggling with your mental health or emotional wellbeing. 

Papyrus is a suicide prevention service. If you are having thoughts of ending your life you can call them on 0800 068 4141 or visit their website

If you are worried about how someone is speaking to you online then report it to CEOP.  

Barnardo’s can provide help and support for a number of things, including LGBTQ+ or being a young carer. 

If something is happening at your club which feels inappropriate or unsafe then please speak to someone. Your club may have a welfare officer. If they don’t, or you don’t feel able to speak to them, if your club has a National Governing Body they will have safeguarding and welfare staff that you can contact. 

If you feel that a crime has taken place, please contact the police on 101. If it’s an emergency or a crime is in progress, dial 999. 

The Ann Craft Trust have safeguarding guidance for adults.  

If you have experienced abuse or harm, or are struggling with your mental health or emotional wellbeing, there are a list of organisations who can help you.

It’s important that you feel confident that sports and activities that your child is participating in are safe. The Child Protection in Sport Unit and Sport England both have some guidance around this.  

The Safe to Play campaign has some resources to raise awareness of exploitation within sport that are aimed at parents and carers. 

High Speed Training offer a free Safeguarding in Sport online course aimed at any adult involved with a sports club, including parents. 

Learn more about keeping your child safe in sport by viewing this 30 minute webinar.

If you are a staff member or volunteer of a sports club and you have a National Governing Body then safeguarding concerns should be reported to them as soon as possible, as per their guidance and policy. 

If you have an urgent safeguarding concern you should report this to the appropriate authority (duty social care and/or the police). You can find a list of contacts here.

The Play Their Way movement aims to support coaches to give children and young people a choice in their experiences of activity, create space for them to voice their wishes and enable them to take ownership of their development journey. Resources can be found on their website. 

The Disclosure and Barring Service have guidance specifically for sport organisations on what level of DBS check is required for which roles.

The YSF Sport Welfare Officer for your area can support you with a variety of safeguarding, wellbeing and welfare issues.


Adam Fuller

Safeguarding Lead

Adam Fuller
07702 557008  

Becca Gallagher

Deputy Safeguarding Lead: 

Becca Gallagher:
0330 2020 280
07964 209 314 

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