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Sharing the Learning

The Sharing the Learning events aims to provide an opportunity to share learning on different elements of whole systems physical activity working and ‘place-based’ approaches. 

Logos of the Sharing the Learning series

The Sharing the Learning Series aims to provide an opportunity to share learning on different elements of whole systems physical activity working and ‘place-based’ approaches. There is a huge amount to share from the work of the Local Delivery Pilots. We also know that there are many other people and places working in this way that have a story to tell.

Building on events already delivered, we aim to deliver a series of face to face and virtual events over the next year to bring key regional (and national) partners together to share experiences on whole of systems physical activity approaches. A consortium of partners is working collaboratively from across Yorkshire and the Humber to achieve this.

The virtual events follow the Bradford workshop that brought regional partners together around the themes of locality and community approach and the role of parks and green space.

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Past events

Explore and understand the conditions needed for system change at our next session in March at Kings Church, Park Road Halifax HX1 2TS, 9am to 3.30pm

This session will focus on exploring and understanding the enabling conditions that support system change for physical activity and sport. This will be a highly participative session with opportunity to reflect and discuss how your role contributes to leading change in your place.

Brought to you by a consortium of partners working collaboratively from across Yorkshire and the Humber, the Sharing the Learning Series is providing a face-to-face opportunity to explore and understand conditions for system change

In addition to the above, time will be allocated to network with like minded individuals from across Yorkshire and the Humber.


This event explored how place-based working fits within a whole systems context, looking at the work of Active Withernsea and North Yorkshire Sport.

Brought to you by  partners working together across Yorkshire and Humber, the Sharing the Learning series gives online and offline opportunities to share learning around physical activity.

Meeeting recording 
Passcode: T!2dYedt

STL VIRTUAL YORK presentation


This online event was if you were unable to join the previous in person Doncaster event in June

Amy KAL HWB Approach June 23

GDM – Health & Care Theme Update – 10 Oct

Link to the recording

Passcode to access: 1QI$w%mx

This online event is for you if you were unable to join the previous in person Doncaster event in June

Shared Learning presentation September 2023

Watch the recording 

Brought to you by a consortium of partners working collaboratively across Yorkshire and Humber, the Sharing the Learning series is providing a face to face opportunity to share learning on different elements of place based working with in a whole system context to address physical activity.

In the form of presentations and interactive workshops, this event will explore the interplay between place based working within a whole systems context, taking a deep dive into the work of Active Withernsea, Active Humber and North Yorkshire Sport.

View the presentation slides

Following on from the success of the last Sharing the Learning Series:Whole Systems Physical Activity events in Bradford and online we’d like to invite you to save the date and register for the next face-to-face event in Doncaster.

Sharing the Learning Series: Whole Systems Physical Activity
Exploring Community Development and Health & Care Approaches

Wednesday 14 June 2023

09:30 – 15:30

Bentley Pavilion

Askern Road Bentley Doncaster DN5 0HU

This face-to-face event on Wednesday 14 June is the next in a series of events that will focus on sharing learning on different elements of whole systems physical activity working and ‘place-based’ approaches.

There is a huge amount to share from the work of the Local Delivery Pilots. We also know that there are many other people and places working in this way that have a story to tell.

The day will focus on exploring two themes. In the morning we’ll be considering the role of community development in whole system change for physical activity and in the afternoon what it means to bring about system change for physical activity working with the Health & Care system.

Please see here for more information. We welcome you to share with any colleagues who might also be interested.


Active Calderdale – Anthony

Active Calderdale Health and Care – Richard

Brimhams Active – Joanne

Club Doncaster – Charlie and Amaya

Gamechanger – Stuart and Gareth

GDM Community Development – Marianne

GDM – Health & Care – Andy

Kirklees Active Leisure – Amy

NY Sport – Lucy

This event is the first online session in a series of events that will focus on sharing learning on different elements of whole systems physical activity working and ‘place-based’ approaches.

There is a huge amount to share from the work of the Local Delivery Pilots. We also know that there are many other people and places working in this way that have a story to tell.

This online session will focus on presentations on the role of parks and greenspace in place-based approaches to tackling inactivity

It will include presentations from:

• Doncaster Local Delivery Pilot

• JU:MP the Bradford Local Delivery Pilot

We will also share learning from the face to face workshop that brought regional partners together in November 2022 around this theme. There will be an opportunities for questions and informal breakout group discussions to share wider learning from those attending.

Finally Sport England will give an update on future plans on place based working around physical activity – Joel Brookfield, Strategic Lead Local Delivery, Sport England

This event was the first online session in a series of events that will focus on sharing learning on different elements of whole systems physical activity working and ‘place-based’ approaches.

There is a huge amount to share from the work of the Local Delivery Pilots. We also know that there are many other people and places working in this way that have a story to tell.

This online sessions focus on taking a locality approach to whole systems physical activity working.


We also shared learning from the face to face workshop that brought regional partners together in November 2022 around this theme. There will be an opportunities for questions and informal breakout group discussions to share wider learning from those attending.

Sport England gave an update on future plans on place based working around physical activity – Joel Brookfield, Strategic Lead Local Delivery, Sport England

On Tuesday 29th November 2022, over 50 partners came together for JU:MP’s Sharing the Learning (StL) event at Lister Mills in Bradford to discuss all things whole systems physical activity, with a focus on greenspaces. This is the first in a series of StL events, each of which will have different themes and be led by different partners.

The event was led by JU:MP team members and attended by representatives from Bradford Metropolitan District Council, teams from Active Calderdale, Active Leeds, Get Doncaster Moving and more from across the Yorkshire region. Some of the Local Delivery Pilots (LDPs) gave presentations to share the learning around their processes, successes, challenges and how this has and will shape their future plans for 2023 and beyond.

In the workshops the delegates discussed the locality/neighbourhood approach to whole systems physical activity, focusing on the different solutions each area had devised and sharing this with their colleagues from the different projects. The JU:MP team took the group on a walking tour of the local area, to showcase and discuss their work in Kashmir Park, Scotchman Road and the schools in that area. Bradford Council’s Landscape Design and Conservation team developed the new play site, working closely with JU:MP, local families and local councillors to transform the unused area into an play area that can be enjoyed by the wider communities of Bradford district. Read more about the Kashmir Park development here.

One of the big successes of the event was the opportunity for teams to network and not only share learning, but also look for ways to collaborate, especially for those in neighbouring areas. A lot of the teams hadn’t met face to face since before the pandemic, and this event was a fantastic opportunity for people to connect and feel inspired and motivated.


Whole Systems Physical Activity: Locality Approach

Calderdale Shared Learning – Active Calderdale No Video

Doncaster presentation. – Sharing learning greenspace PM 29.11.22

JUMP Sharing the Greenspace Final PM 29.11.22

JUMP Sharing the Learning Locality AM 29.11.22 V2

Leeds GSLL Sharing the Learning AM 291122

Our YSF Connect and Share sessions are a place to share what you are doing and to hear from others about their work.

It’s a place for conversations to share ideas on policies, strategies and evidence, consider what is working, what might be getting in the way and connect different people, organisations and partnerships.

From local conversations and feedback from the Leading Our Active Places: Together for everyonevirtual event series we hosted in February 2021, we took a step back to consider the overall opportunity to connect people across themed areas of work. The first conversation was a focus on Active Workplaces on 1 July 2021delivered virtually on Zoom with interactive sessions including breakout rooms to allow discussion and networking.

These, or similar, questions will provide a starting point for our conversations:

  • What are you trying to achieve in your work?
  • What is working well? And the reasons for this?
  • What are the things that are getting in the way?
  • What are your plans to grow the work? And, what is important for us in the future?
  • Anything else?

If you would like to suggest themes for future conversations, please contact Emma Binnersley using

Previous events:
July 1, 2021:  Active Workplaces