Movement: moving more for your mental health

Why movement? One of the most important things we can do to help protect our mental health is regular movement, and that is the theme for Mental Health Awareness Week 2024. 

Regular physical activity is known to improve mental health, quality of life, and wellbeing. It also helps prevent and treat heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and breast and colon cancer, and more. Despite these benefits being well established, over a third of UK adults do not meet the recommended amount of activity.

Our bodies and our minds are connected, so looking after ourselves physically also helps us prevent problems with our mental health. Exercise releases “feel good” hormones, that reduce feelings of stress and anger. It also helps us feel better about our bodies. It can improve our sleep too. If it involves other people, like being part of a team, a class or group we see regularly, that can also boost our mental health.

Despite these benefits, so many of us struggle to move enough. We know there are many different reasons for this, so this Mental Health Awareness Week we want to help people to find moments for movement in their daily routines. 

The themes are:

  • Monday 13th Moments for Movement - sharing moments for movement
  • Tuesday 14th Workforce - tips and advice on how we can support out workforce to move more
  • Wednesday 15th Active Travel - how active travel can support our wellbeing
  • Thursday 16th Green and Blue Spaces - exploring how being active outdoors can support our mental health
  • Friday 17th Children & Young People - links between being active and mental wellbeing 

Find out more here