Help shape a health service fit for the future with physical activity.

WY Health Care Partnership are are looking for people to give their views on the three shifts for the NHS:

  1. Moving more care from hospitals to communities.
  2. Making better use of technology in health and care.
  3. Focusing on preventing sickness, not just treating it.

The views, experiences and ideas from the movement physical activity and sport sector can help shape the immediate steps and long-term changes through the 10-Year Health Plan for the NHS and locally in West Yorkshire.

One of the best ways to get involved in the 10 Year Plan is to come along to one of the workshops. Patients, the public, or staff, are welcome to join and share their views and experiences.

Each workshop will focus on one of the three shifts, look at local examples, and ask about your experience, views, and ideas

Sign up using the links below:

  • Thursday 6 February, 1pm - 2.30pm. Moving more care from hospitals to communities (hospital to community). Book your place.
  • Thursday 6 February, 6pm - 7.30pm. Making better use of technology (analogue to digital). Book your place.

Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership are hosting a series of community conversations as part of the ‘Closing the Gap’ programme and will be including discussion on the 10 Year Plan.  The six workshops are hosted by community organisations for residents of each locality. You can find out more about ‘Closing the Gap’ and how to get involved with these events on their engagement site: Closing the Gap | Engage Bradford District & Craven

All views and experiences collected from these workshops will be shared across system partners to make sure we are working together in our region to improve the NHS so it is fit for the future.

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